Rumor: Standby, PS3 ISO loader coming with the help of Dark_Alex?
posted by malloc at 02:48 am on 2008-09-11
Saltynuts, the chap that revealed his method to get some selective PS3 ISOs booting on the PS3 has left some rather cryptic messages to us. In a personal PM, he told us "Stand by! talk soon with good news", previously he has also stated that he has another hack up his sleeve which is waiting to be released. And now in the release thread (page 22) of his hack, he has left a message which similarly states " standby its coming." We can only assume he's referring to some kind of PS3 ISO loader, and Dark_Alex's website has become something of a mystery recently so perhaps he's been working on this too. Although we don't have official word on this and its just speculation at this point. Continue discussion here.
Post from Maxconsole
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